Monday, April 19, 2010

biblical femininity + you

a friend sent me this email, i thought i would share.

ive actually been thinking about our definitions and perceptions of femininity alot.
I went to an orphanage yesterday run by a woman, Tammy. Something about it seemed peculiar to have her leading and raising these kids by herself. I mean there were interns and other adults, but she basically served as dad and mom and pastor, visionary and the complete gusto behind the entire operation from the very beginning. She is in charge of their spiritual needs, their discipline. Shes basically a single mom for 46 kids, ranging in age from 20 to 2. I dunno. It was incredible to see the Lord at work here. At first I was just feeling out the place and getting a gist of what goes on, and i felt weird but i didn't know what it was. And then it hit me that she didnt fit a mold of "biblical femininity."  And I wondered if she would have been encouraged and supported by our christian reformed culture. I dunno. Still trying to process all of what i saw and experienced yesterday. I see your concerns very clearly: what about missional living, what about loving the poor. Is God just as pleased with 80 dollars on a haircut "serving your husband" or toward feeding and clothing children in uganda.

Well? Whats the deal here? Whats actually more biblically feminine? This butch, seminary graduate, single lady running an orphanage? Or a quiet housewife wearing Ralph Lauren who's sacrifice is nonreturnable modest clothing? Both?


what do you think?
in a similar challenge, check out this francis chan message.

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