Monday, May 19, 2008

Let's Vote it Out.

I've always been told to major in the majors & minor in the minors, but unfortunately UT doesn't offer those two. Alhora, here is the problem.

A. MRS. Degree
B. Graphic Design
C. Web design
D. Psych!ology

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bear Fruit

A Slice of Thought: Emotions and Unbelief

Emotions are crazy.

I was just looking at pictures from last summer's mission trip to Italy, when I started to get that feeling inside. Doubt. Reminiscing. You know it-- the "good ole' days" your dad talks about. In my household, it is talked about as a fact that college days are the "best" days of your life. Oh, and that song, "I hope you've had the time of your life." Even more than the redundancy of the Grease Soundtrack, I despise that song! I hear it every graduation, every end of camp, every conclusion of a job, every grande finale. Oh, and only to stir emotion and create an emotional response!
Emotional reminiscence is not only idolised obedience toward emotion, but it also dangerous-- dangerous in not trusting in God's future grace. It is a single brick unveiling a long wall of unbelief. If we don't believe that God will supply for us in the future as he has in the past-- we have nothing to live for. "Our life hangs on future grace," says JP. [John Piper likes me to call him this. It keeps him young, he says.] So easily do I find myself obeying emotions swayed my by emotions, triggered my music, or pictures, or simple conversation. How foolish!
"The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works." -Psalm 145:13

You would think our immediate response to remembering good things would be to say, "God, you are so good! Your faithfulness endures forever! I can not wait to see what You will do in the future!"
Praise God that He always remains faithful.

"Jesus Christ in the same yesterday, today and forever."
-Hebrews 13:8

Monday, May 12, 2008

Summer Reading List

Now, this reading list took into assessment the opinions of many people from Cornerstone Church of Knoxville, and here, after thorough assessment, is the Summer Reading List for 2008.

Future Grace
John Piper
Alas, the first book is Future Grace by Piper. This book is highly encouraged at my church, and I have a heart that enjoys both grace, and John Piper very highly. Much more so grace. For without Grace, John Piper would encourage me nay. [Woo, did you hear that Shakespearean coming out? We must be related.]
So far this book has done nothing but encourage my heart to trusting God. Even simple matters-- which I'm learning it must start with. On my 9-hour drive this weekend, I came to a point while I was on the phone with my friend Leslie, and all of a sudden I had 6 miles to empty in my car. I quickly remained calm and got off the phone, praying for God to supply a gas station in the middle of Nowhere, Tennessee. Remembering His faithfulness, in this time, he offered me grace, and I took His grace to trust that He always provides.

In the past seven years I've known Him, our God has never left me. Ever.
Sara Groves makes a beautiful point in her song, "He's Always been Faithful"
" I can’t remember a trial or a pain,
He did not recycle to bring me gain.
I can’t remember one single regret
In serving God only, and trusting His hand
All I have need of, His hand will provide,
He’s always been faithful to me. "
Amen, Sara Groves.
Alas, when I got to 0 Miles to Empty, a mysterious exit on the right popped up, without warning or sign, and I slid in neutral.. into a gas pump.
He's Always Been Faithful to Me.

Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot
Elisabeth Elliot

Practically anything that you place into my hands with the name Elisabeth Elliot will I devour, I think that she is absolutely splendid. Also, I have and still do I believe that if we were to come in contact, we should become good friends.
It would immediately begin as such; introduction, my telling a recent pun I had discovered, her correcting me by some distant discerning spirit of my pride and untrusting heart, and quickly then becoming kindred hearts. She would ask me my opinion on things, most of which she would kindly correct, and I, taking notes with every phone conversation we would have. Also, every meal would have tea. Hot tea. Such as peach tea, or orange friendship tea. By spending a week with Elisabeth, I am quite certain I would either. a) Hear God's immediate call to celibacy, or 2.) become so sanctified that I marry within the month.
[Note to readers: This is slight overexaggeration. Slight.]

Stepping Heavenward
Mrs. E. Prentiss

First of all, [-off the record-] any woman from the 1800's who places "Mrs." before her name on a book seems dainty enough to write a good book.

I enjoy the counsel of wise women. A wise friend of mine suggested this book to me, and as so, she mentioned something of this sort: "I pushed off reading this book after the suggestion, due to the cheesy christian fiction cover. But, it's so good! Don't be mislead!"
That's hilarious, and oh too true.
My first Bible was named "eXtReMe TeEn bIbLe!!" (no exaggeration) for this exact reason. For some reason I had a lame-o view of the bible, and the cool font on this bible made me interested in it. Yes, I judged the Bible by it's cover. Good thing God gives grace! (phew, and creates the "eXtreme teen bible for people like me.)

More to be considered?
Redemption Accomplished & Applied - John Murray
Humility - CJ Mahaney
Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye - Carolyn Mahaney

Any suggestions?!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Word About The Author

Bane was born in a rural county in Alaska, and moved with her family to Tennessee in her early preschool years. She now lives with her husband and children in a rural neighborhood outside of Calcutta, India.

"Living in a Rural Neighborhood in Calcutta with my Husband and  Children." By B.A .Libero (c) 2015