Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Most Reputable Authors

My list of personally acclaimed authors & theologians...

Application of Biblical Doctrine
John Piper
Mark Driscoll
Wayne Grudem
Jonathan Edwards
J.I. Packer
Charles Spurgeon
A.W. Tozer
R.C. Sproul

C.J. Mahaney
Sovereign Grace Ministries

Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
Elizabeth Elliott
Joshua Harris

"I must be an emotional archaeologist, because I keep looking for the roots of things, particularly the roots of behavior and why I feel certain ways about certain things."
-Fred Rogers, The World According to Mr. Rogers

Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

We Are All Broken

this world is broken and empty.

jars of clay's song, "Oh, my God"

il mundo e' wickitty whack.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My New Favorite Snack

One college day, in a mid-sized freezer section of the new Food City on Western Avenue, I came to the findings of these small sandwich-resembling snacks. A recognition of seeing these snacks at a summer camp a few summers ago, I decided to perform further research. They are delicious, and surprisingly better than homemade pb&j. Here are some findings after further research.
Pros: They are just so good. Mmm.

Cons: It takes 30 minutes to defrost. No successful taste attempt to microwave, or eat frozen, raw strawberries just aren't the same.

Mysteries: I am not quite sure how many it would take to make a meal, three? I

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What is the Prosperity Gospel?

Here is Piper on the prosperity gospel.


Joel Osteen.
Also, here is mark driscoll on joel osteen and the matter.
Mark is the head pastor of mars hill church, which I have come to respect.

I think that a strong point to look at when we begin to understand who God is, is to admire Jesus' life, and how God and Jesus walked together while on earth. Jesus was everything but healthy, wealthy and prosperous. He was sick, he suffered, he had a rough life. But God was most glorified in him when he was most satisfied in Him... in the midst of loss, not prosperity.